This webpage contains resources, activities and suggestions to complement the teaching of a case study on marine ecological research aimed at Key Stage 3 and 4. 

You can visit the Using our teaching resources webpage to find out what is on offer.
What sea animals live on the seafloor?

This case study explores the methods ecologists used to create maps showing the distribution of different sea animal communities and their habitats on the seafloor. These maps will inform marine planning, allowing us to use the sea sustainably without damaging our underwater heritage. 

The case study supports the curriculum by providing a real-life application of science in the workplace.  We examine how and why ecologists sampled the sea animals living in and on the seafloor and what they identified as the special elements of Britain’s marine environment, which need our protection.   


We recommend starting with the teacher pack, which has all the background information you need to understand this case study.

Case Study
Lesson Image Bank

Click on the link and scroll back down to view the images in the lesson image bank.

What sea animals live on the seafloor?

Images from our Biology Case Study for KS3 and KS4: What sea animals live on the seafloor? For images of sea animals check out our Living on the Seafloor Image Bank

Interactive Whiteboard Lessons (currently SMART board only)



Activity Sheets
  1. In the lab
  2. Biology Case Study Review KS3
  3. Biology Case Study Review KS4
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