Welcome to the Explore the Seafloor teacher’s section.
We have created a range of resources that you can use to teach history, geography and science. The resources focus on the application of these subjects within Regional Environmental Characterisation (REC) surveys. They aim to provide real life workplace examples to support curriculum teaching at Key Stage 3 and 4.
Case Studies
A teacher’s pack (PDF) provides detailed background information for the case studies, along with PowerPoint presentations. The aim of these resources is not to be prescriptive, but flexible so that you can pick and choose what you want to use. It also aims to provide material for a range of technology.
Click on the links on each subject page to download and save the file to your computer.
Using the film
You can download films, made for the project and from other projects, from the website. They are also available on the Explore the Seafloor channel on YouTube and Vimeo. You can also follow the links on the individual subject pages.
Interactive Whiteboard Lesson
The interactive whiteboard lessons are downloadable from the website, currently they are designed for SMART Boards software. We are looking to develop resources for other interactive whiteboards in the future. Click on the link for an interactive, then save the file to your computer. The activities in each interactive are password controlled. If you want access to the activity to develop it further the password is SEAFLOOR.
Activity Sheets
Some of the subjects have activity sheets, which use data from the REC results to get students to explore some of the key elements of the case study. These are available for History and Biology lesson. In the Resources section, you can find Scientific data, which includes figures and tables from the original research. You can use the activity sheets to give you ideas on how to use this data in your lesson.
Remember there are lots more resources in our Resource section for you to use, including online games, images and career information.