Lara Murphy, Marine Aggregate Sustainability Levy Fund
How did you got into your job?
I have always loved the water and knew that I would like to be involved in some sort of environmental work when it came to deciding what I might like to do after school. When I was doing my undergraduate degree I volunteered on a marine surveying project in Indonesia for the summer and that is when I decided that marine science was for me! After I finished university I went travelling and worked in various education related jobs and found that getting others involved in environmental work was really enjoyable. On my return I found employment in that area and have been lucky enough to work in really interesting jobs since then. I did return to University to do a Masters in Marine Science after I had been working for a few years so that I built on my knowledge in that area.
What did you do on a day-to-day basis?
My job is very varied. I could be giving a presentation at a conference, running workshops in schools, meeting scientists or writing and editing reports. My work involves making sure that everyone who wants to find out about marine scientific work can do so even if they have no background in science.
What is your favourite part of the job is?
There is always something new to learn. Whether that is directly myself or through reading other peoples work. I really enjoy sharing my enthusiasm for the marine environment with others and seeing how interested they become.
What skills/qualifications are useful for your profession?
A degree in an environmental field is essential and getting as much experience as possible whilst at university will help when it comes to trying to find employment. Being able to work with different groups of people and work on different projects at the same time is very important.
Any other career tips?
Make contacts in organisations that you may be interested in working for whilst at University, ask if they have any voluntary work or student projects that you could get involved with.